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Appointed Shura Council Chairman Regrets MPs Accusations to Council on Covering Corruption

2018-03-19 - 8:45 p

Bahrain Mirror: Chairman of Shura Council Ali Al-Saleh expressed his regret for the accusations raised by some MPs to the shura council regarding covering corruption, after the council rejected a parliamentary decision that aims at binding National Audit Office (NAO) to refer violations to Public Prosecution.

Al-Saleh said in an intervention in the Shura council on Sunday (March 18, 2018) "I feel sorry to hear what some of our brothers in the House of Representatives, who we appreciate and respect, have said. I appreciate their keenness on protecting the public law. We have different point of views but we all are keen on protecting public money, we're one legislative power."

"The National Audit Office agreed with us in our adopted view, is the audit bureau involved too?!" he added.

He went on to say: I want to address some MPs who accused us of involving in corruption by this holy verse "O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice".

Al-Saleh defended the council's decision regarding rejecting the parliamentary bill stating "our decision comes out from our keenness on the audit bureau and not to weaken its role through admitting it in problems when cases are referred to the jurisdiction that may issue verdict against the audit's view, thus, we weaken it in front of public opinion and nation."   

Arabic Version



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