
Electricity Authority Official Says Will Continue to Lift Subsidies on Power, Final Raise in Price in 2019

2017-10-25 - 2:45 p

Bahrain Mirror: Deputy Director General of distribution process and services provided by the Electricity and Water Authority in Bahrain, Adnan Fakhro, said that the Authority is continuing its strategy to gradually lifting the subsidies on electricity for foreigners and Bahraini nationals' second account. The final increase in electricity prices is planned to take place in 2019.

He said, in a speech during a Shura Council session, that the plan followed by the Electricity and Water Authority in lifting subsidies came after a consensus with the legislative authority, as an agreement was made, after a series of meetings and discussions over the gradual lifting of subsidies. "However, we were surprised, after the implementation of the agreement, to find out that the deputies have another proposal that does not correspond with what we had agreed upon, as if we did not sit with them in meetings, and did not reach a joint agreement," noted that Minister.

Fakhro pointed out that government subsidies dedicated to the Electricity and Water Authority is gradually decreasing. The funds for subsidies are expected to decrease in 2018 to only 188 million dinars. He further wondered, "How can we balance the reduction of government subsidies provided for us and the decrease of tariffs on citizens? So the reduction is not in the interest of anyone, many families are not committed to paying and thus the Electricity and Water Authority has debts in millions."


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