
Al-Hayiki Subjected to Electric Shocks During Interrogations, Was Carried after Torture Sessions

2016-07-31 - 10:09 p

Bahrain Mirror: Lebanese Al-Manar TV quoted a Bahraini detainee saying that the young Bahraini Hassan Al-Hayiki, 35, died due to brutal torture.

The TV channel said: "Al-Hayiki was arrested on 4 July, for charges of what's known as "Al-Ekr Blast", which no one heard of but the state employees. The official media outlets circulated photos of him and others on local TVs and newspapers saying they are criminals."

The authorities then launched a campaign of arrests that affected dozens of citizens of Al-Ekr, Maameer, Nuwaidrat and Sitra villages. On July 20, authorities circulated news saying that the accused individuals confessed to perpetrating the bombing and associating to Iran's revolutionary Guards.

Al-Manar TV further noted that a detainee, released 10 days ago, who was also subjected to torture, spoke about the extreme torture Al-Hayiki was subjected to, and that he met Al-Hayiki when he was at the Interior Ministry's investigation unit.

The detainee, who asked to remain anonymous, told Al-Manar that "Al-Hayiki was brutally tortured by electric shocks, beaten with water hoses and was carried back after torture sessions".

Bahraini authorities commented on Al-Hayiki's death saying it was due to "natural causes". This is a strategy followed by the Bahraini authorities, as it had done in previous cases of sudden deaths (5 martyrs) during the emergency period. At that time, authorities claimed the deaths were due to "natural causes", while the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry found in its report article 996 that the deaths were "due to torture".

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