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Al-Wefaq Reiterates Adherence to Sheikh Ali Salman's Demands: Locking Him Away Extends Crisis

2016-05-30 - 10:55 p

Bahrain Mirror: Bahrain's main opposition group, Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, said that the 9-year jail term issued against opposition leader and Al-Wefaq Secretary-General Sheikh Ali Salman is "an alarming politically-motivated verdict that deepens the political and constitutional crisis in Bahrain."

In a statement issued on Monday (May 30, 2016), Al-Wefaq added that this ruling shows that the Bahraini government ignored all local and international calls for Sheikh Salman's release, and is an indication of the authorities' inclination to reject national reconciliation by disregarding international calls to address the country's political crisis.

The opposition group further stressed that Sheikh Ali Salman is a great national figure who has called for love, national unity, coexistence and civil peace. It also said that locking him away will only extend the political crisis in Bahrain amid an absence of national consensus and increase in human rights violations.

"Al-Wefaq will continue its advocacy for inclusive political reform that fulfills the aspirations of Bahrainis in shifting towards a real democracy," it said, adding that "this can be achieved through a real dialogue to be held after releasing all political prisoners, putting an end to the violations and allowing freedoms of opinion and expression."

"The majority of the Bahraini people are demanding an elected government, a parliament with full authority, fair electoral constituencies, security for all and an independent judiciary. These are national demands that will never change. Sheikh Ali Salman raised these demands and Bahrainis will continue to call for these demands until they are met," said Al-Wefaq, concluding its statement.

Arabic Version


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