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February 14 Coalition: Sheikh Ali Salman’s Verdict was issued from the Royal Court

2015-06-19 - 9:51 p

Bahrain Mirror: The February 14 Coalition denounced the verdict issued against the Secretary-General of Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Sheikh Ali Salman, describing it as "political and unjust" adding that "it is not worth the ink it is written in".

In a statement, the coalition considered that the verdict was issued by the Royal Court with the approval of Bahrain's allies, Britain and the United States, stressing that "the role of the foolish judge was but to read the verdict in the courtroom."

"All the sentences that were issued and are still being issued by this judiciary are political, repressive and unjust, and lack even the slightest relation to the international standards of a fair trial," the statement further read.

The coalition called the people to become united on a wide-scale (...), work together to determine their fate, establish a new political system without foreign intervention and put an end to the authoritarian rule.

The Arabic Issue 


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